Incredible progress has been made since our last entry on this blog. That's partly because the last entry was four months ago (shame), but mostly because a huge number of people have been digging away - an indication of how popular this track will be.
The Makara Peak Supporters have held three work parties this year. Just last Sunday, we had 30 people working on widening the top 300 metres and gravelling the top 130 metres. That section is now finished and rides like a dream.
Special work parties have also been organised for two groups of volunteers from TRANSIT (big thanks to Volunteer Wellington and the Makara Peak Supporters for helping make that happen). They were awesome, and built about 250 metres of track from scratch.
Also a huge thanks to Grant Preston-Thomas and his friends Dave, Derek and Jock. These fine gentlemen have been working on Lazy Fern for two mornings a week, since the end of last year. They worked all the way up the track making a narrow walking path, and then all the way back down, widening as they went. They just finished last week, and most of the track is now a fun intermediate level ride.
And lets not forget the volunteers from GVN who have built a connecting track from SWIGG to the top of Lazy Fern (the last two metres to SWIGG has been left until Lazy Fern is finished).
Before you get too excited, it still needs a lot more work. There are still parts that need widening, and the Wellington City Council will be arranging a contractor to build a few bridges and retaining walls, to make it really easy. While all this is happening, the Makara Peak Supporters will be laying gravel down on the track - the mud is diabolical otherwise.
Last of all, the track is not finished and as such is not safe for beginner riders - the temporary bridges are very narrow and slippery and there is a 10 metre long unrideable section near the bottom!
Come along to the next work party on Sunday the 22nd July.